Sunday 24 February 2013


The brief from Foster's is as follows:

Create a new brand under the ownership of Foster's which will penetrate the market of female drinkers, aged 18-34, who are influenced by fashion trends, reality television and lead fun social lives. The current brand identity will remain separate  so as not to alienate the current males who are loyal to the brand...


The following print advert ideas would feature in a selection of weekly women's titles aimed at the target market. These include Grazia, Heat, Now and More. Their readers are the type of females who are interested in celebrities, fashion, relationships, and partying - exactly the sort of media that the target market consumes. 

In order to appeal to this particular market, fruit will be added to the lager to make them sweeter and easier to drink than original lager. The flavours added will be Peach, Strawberry and Raspberry. Each flavour will be given its own name: Perfectly Peach, Subtly Strawberry and Reassuringly Raspberry; with each also possessing its own 'personality'.