Thursday 25 April 2013

Alternative Advertising...

The brief from Foster's is as follows:

Create a new brand under the ownership of Foster's which will penetrate the market of female drinkers, aged 18-34, who are influenced by fashion trends, reality television and lead fun social lives. The current brand identity will remain separate  so as not to alienate the current males who are loyal to the brand...


The first idea is to place a Foster's Fruit Lager stand at exhibitions that are aimed at young females. The Clothes Show Exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham would be ideal as it draws an audience who fit the target market of the brand, as well as being described as 'fun' and 'relaxed', and with a 'party' atmosphere (Stevenson, 2012). Furthermore, there is a 'celebrity' culture to the exhibition (ibid.), which would suit the target market of the re-positioned brand.

The stand will offer free samples to passers-by, in order for them to taste the variety of refreshing flavours, and become accustomed to the brand.


The second idea is a sponsorship deal. A Thinkbox study outlines that women aged between 16-34 'generally favour more socially led-content, such as soaps, drama, reality and entertainment and as such are high consumers of channels such as Channel 4, E4, ITV 2, Living and MTV.' (2013). Obviously if we exclude the 16 and 17 year-olds, an ideal platform to promote the brand would be through the sponsorship of a programme such as Come Dine with Me, Keeping Up with the Kardashians, Embarrassing Bodies or My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding. 

The 3-5 second clip before and after each show, as well as in between ad-breaks will be related to the television campaign outlined in the previous blog post.

The sponsorship will expose the campaign and the brand, and use the technique of repetition in order to increase brand awareness. During a 30-minute programme the clips will have been seen four times by the viewers. Furthermore, the viewers will develop an association between the brand and their favourite programme.


The third and final idea is this:


Stevenson, Kaisha (2012) Clothes Show Live: Review, Urban Coco Magazine [Online] Available from [Accessed 21/04/13]

Thinkbox (2013) Audience Profiles [Online] Available from [Accessed 21/04/13]

Thursday 7 March 2013


The brief from Foster's is as follows:

Create a new brand under the ownership of Foster's which will penetrate the market of female drinkers, aged 18-34, who are influenced by fashion trends, reality television and lead fun social lives. The current brand identity will remain separate - so as not to alienate the current males who are loyal to the brand...


The first idea continues with the Fruit Lager Brand, and communicates the message of refreshment heavenly taste.

The advert starts in a busy bar or pub, with a group of women around a table. Only the sound of the bar can be heard.

One of them lifts a glass of new 'Perfectly Peach' fruit lager, from Foster's, with the camera zooming into them drinking it. 

Her facial expression is one of enjoyment and refreshment. She then closes her eyes and the sound of the bar  cannot be heard.

Her surroundings change around her to a paradise within a peach orchard. Only her position remains where it is, still drinking the lager. This communicates the heavenly taste and refreshment of the new lager she is drinking. The sounds of the orchard can now only be heard - i.e. birds, wind in the trees etc. 

This feeling lasts for a few seconds - enough time for the viewers to immerse themselves in these heavenly surroundings.

The film quickly cuts back to her opening her eyes and the sound of the bar/pub start again. Her surroundings are back to normal. She exhales the word 'Perfect' - in line with the name of the lager. 

The friends continue chatting and laughing etc. while the camera slowly zooms out and pans backwards to another table within the pub/bar. On it is a bottle and a glass of 'Perfectly Peach' fruit lager on the table. The focus is now on this, with the girls in soft focus behind it. (Something Similar to the image below, but with the branded bottle and glass...)

A women's voice-over in a soft Australian accent says: 'New, Perfectly Peach fruit lager... from Foster's.'


The second idea aims to communicate the different personalities of the three new flavours of Fruit Lager - with each flavour is represented by a different woman. The advert tells the story of how each woman gets to a pub/bar to meet the others in their own individual way. 

The ad starts with each girl receiving a text message on their mobiles saying 'Meet at the Queen's Arms in five?'   

The camera is fast-paced between shots of each girl. The music in the background is also high-tempo and lively, maybe something like 'Fire' by Jimi Hendrix...

The first girl shown is 'Peach'. She is blonde-haired and is walking towards the camera down the street. The film then pauses to show some text. It is a description of both the flavour of the lager, and the woman representing it: 'Perfectly Peach. Sweet and Zesty, with a pale complexion. An aroma like no other.' The film then restarts. She hails a cab and gets in. 

The camera then switches to 'Strawberry'. She has strawberry blonde hair and is cycling through the city on an old-fashioned bicycle. Again, the film pauses to show some text that describes the flavour of the 'Subtly Strawberry' lager, as well as the girl who is representing it: 'Subtly Strawberry. Beautiful and vibrant, with a subtle strawberry scent.' The film restarts.

The final flavour to be shown is 'Raspberry'. She has dark reddish brown hair and is on a crowded tube train. Once again the film pauses to show text that both describes the flavour of 'Reassuringly Raspberry' lager and the character representing it: 'Reassuringly Raspberry. Strong and exciting. Most of the time sweet and refreshing, but sometimes a bit sharper.' The film restarts. 

They all meet each other at the bar/pub and greet each other. They all go in together. 

The camera then switches to a table inside the pub/bar with the full range of Fruit lagers on it. An Australian female voice-over says: 'New Fruit Lagers from Foster's. The perfect combination for any occasion.'

Sunday 24 February 2013


The brief from Foster's is as follows:

Create a new brand under the ownership of Foster's which will penetrate the market of female drinkers, aged 18-34, who are influenced by fashion trends, reality television and lead fun social lives. The current brand identity will remain separate  so as not to alienate the current males who are loyal to the brand...


The following print advert ideas would feature in a selection of weekly women's titles aimed at the target market. These include Grazia, Heat, Now and More. Their readers are the type of females who are interested in celebrities, fashion, relationships, and partying - exactly the sort of media that the target market consumes. 

In order to appeal to this particular market, fruit will be added to the lager to make them sweeter and easier to drink than original lager. The flavours added will be Peach, Strawberry and Raspberry. Each flavour will be given its own name: Perfectly Peach, Subtly Strawberry and Reassuringly Raspberry; with each also possessing its own 'personality'.